
Inspire Learning Platform

Templates for framing collaboration

Templates for framing collaboration

Here you will find two types of templates:

One for the agreement between you as an INSPIRE Change Catalyst and the INSPIRE unit or entity with which you will be collaborating.
see below (download as pdf here)

And four INSPIRE templates for the work of CoPs:

-   Memorandum of Understanding, MoU

-    CoP Fact Sheet
-    CoP Working Plan
   CoP Operational Plan


Template for agreement / contract for collaboration between INSPIRE Change Catalysts and INSPIRE CoPs

The first page of this document contains points for clarification and discussion. Apply the points in a way that aligns with the nature of the collaboration – not all the points are necessarily relevant for all types of collaboration. The point of departure for this template is a mentoring set-up. Even so, the points listed are useful for the parties to go through together prior to launching a collaboration – it sets a standard for taking up and settling potentially conflictual areas.  

Therefore – and relevant to all types of collaboration – it is advisable to write and sign the agreed points. The second page of this document can be used as a template for such a record. The agreement / contract can advantageously be supplemented with photos of joint whiteboard notes or other documentation material.


Points for discussion

Aims and objectives of our collaboration:


Task of INSPIRE Change Catalyst:


Considerations concerning collaborative exchanges


  • Partners / Membership in this collaboration – who is included from the outset? How do we manage entry / exit of members?
  • How long does the collaboration we are agreeing to run?
  • How often do we meet?
  • In what format – online / on site? formal informal?
  • Time and place for meetings?
  • How long are our meetings?
  • Do we document our meetings? If yes, how, and by whom? How do we keep records?
  • Who manages practicalities around bookings etc? Are these tasks fixed or do they rotate?
  • Do we prepare prior to meetings?
  • How do we communicate between meetings?
  • Can we imagine scenarios that necessitate that we cease interacctions?


  • Which topics can we address or not address in this collaboration?
  • Which topics are not suitable for this collaboration – and what do we do if they emerge nonetheless?
  • What do we do if one of us has the sense that the interactions are moving in a direction that we are not equipped to deal with? Do we call on someone (who)?
  • What do we do if we discover that there is an untenable incapacity – such as overlap between personal and professional relations or interests?
  • What do we do if one of us feels uncomfortable with a topic or interaction?
  • How do we ensure open and honest exchanges?
  • How do we ensure that we respect each others’ standpoints – how do we contain and honour disagreements?
  • What do we do to ensure ethical considerations – if something is brought up that we think is unethical, what do we do, where do we turn?
  • How do we ensure a balance between supporting and challenging each other constructively?


  • How do we manage confidentiality issues? What do understand as confidential?
  • What specific information do we agree will not be circulated elsewhere?
  • What if there is a breach of confidentiality? Or we suspect that there is?
  • What is confidential to this group, not to be shared with others?


  • How often and how do we review our collaboration?
  • Which criteria do we use to assess our progress, and the methods, format and approaches used?
  • Do we revisit our contract – if yes, how often and when?


Agreement / Contract: frame for collaboration








INSPIRE Change Catalyst:



Representative(s) of Unit where this collaboration is to be carried out:

